Tuesday, September 12, 2006

September 11 Anniversary

Yesterday was the fifth anniversary of the September 11th attacks. It was hard seeing everything that has been shown around and on the anniversary date.

They announced the names of the fallen at the World Trade Center site again and I was waiting to hear the name of a former colleague, Jennie Maffeo. She had not worked in the Trade Towers, she was waiting for a shuttle outside. She got drenched with burning jet fuel and was badly burned. She survived for quite awhile but her injuries were too servere. She was always a kind, patient and caring person. Someone needed in this world. She is sorely missed.

After hearing her name announced, I went to work - not what I did that original day. I was at home when it happened and when I was almost able to go to work it was announced that the transit system was unavailable.

There seemed to be a little less people on the transit system.
On September 11th it is hard not to be nervous since there have been all those incidents involving transit systems and terrorism around the world. You expect some other "statement" to be made. I had some knitting with me that kept me calm. This project was on metal needles so the added benefit was I had a "weapon" that I could use if ever necessary.

Everyone was at the office as usual and we had the news on the conference room monitor. A sad day but we got through it. Hard to believe it has been five years already.

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