Thursday, August 02, 2007

News on Dulaan 2008

Well another sad note is that Ryan will not be working with F.I.R.E. any longer for any drives. Here is her blog : Mossy Cottage Knits

Still a worthwhile organization but blind it seems to the impact that Ryan and the Knitting/Crochet community had on the success of the project drives. Perhaps it is similar to what we learnt in Psych in college, when you decide between two things you justify your decision by bringing up negative aspects of what you did not choose.
Hence, Ryan's decision to end the Dulaan Project due to the better conditions in Mongolia has caused the organization handling the donated items to disassociate themselves. Read her and Tom's posts on her blog for details.

The Yahoo Group for Dulaan is going to continue but will be renamed. The name has not been decided yet.

Never a lack of charities for donated items so nothing will go to waste!

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